
Sunday, April 28, 2019

About Me

me in Slovenia in September 2018
I started this blog because I wanted to tell you about my cost-efficient travels from a Europeans perspective. There are a whole lot of blogs about traveling
out here, but most of the English one center around traveling from the USA. But I found no interestingly written from a European based person. Which means either there is none or I´m bad when it comes to searching for good blogs - sorry if I missed your excellent travel blog ;)

My goal was and is to show people, how easy it can be to travel the world, to see other countries, to explore the world on your own terms and get to know different cultures. I still see this as my main goal in writing this.

But why? Well, I read a holiday report, that was somehow shocking to me. First of all, it said, that most people in Austria and from other countries close to us have a tendency of traveling to the same spots, they have always gone to. The second shock was the average cost per Person for a week of traveling, which was somewhere around € 2.400.

I simply couldn´t believe what I was reading. I mean, I know people I talk about our traveling to tend to be impressed with how "cheap" we get away with our trips. But these are manly persons who make their trips in the primary holiday season because they have children. Which makes a trip definitely more costly. And the kids too. So I thought it was normal that we on average spend around € 800 for a week traveling. Even though I tend to let, 's say not the cheapest options when it comes to being abroad.

Now, reading this article opened my eyes to how many people out there could use some guidance or at least some tips, how to spend less money traveling.

So long story short, that´s the reason I started this blog. But right after I did that, I realized that even if I travel more than my friends and colleagues, I make way to fewer trips to tell about them every week, or even monthly. It took me another few weeks of thinking about this dilemma before I finally sat down to write this post. I´m still not entirely sure, how I can solve this situation, but I will try. Hopefully you, dear reader, will soon come back to find tips you can use, to make your holidays more affordable.

Yours, Julia

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